Montepulciano, reasons to pick it as your next destination

The Tuscan countryside is famous worldwide for its unique panoramas and its medieval towns.

It's impossible not to be blown away by the beauty of certain views. After all, that's what happened to us. We have been having a soft spot for Montepulciano for a long time, it's not by chance that we have picked it as our new home five years ago.

The reasons we keep on suggesting whoever asks us to come here for at least a few days are countless. Besides our wines, that is... or ok, the wine in general. Because a wine lover cannot overlook Montepulciano and its secular tradition in the wine making.

Reason #1 to visit Montepulciano: food and wine

It's hard to find a better local cuisine than the one from Montepulciano and the whole Valdichiana, above all if you're a meat lover.

Fresh and high quality ingredients are generally used, some of which you cannot find anywhere else. I'm thinking about aglione della Valdichiana, a unique species of garlic, or pici, a type of home-made pasta. Pici with aglione sauce are a must-try! Local sheep cheeses, called pecorino, are delicious, and so are cold cuts (the most typical are prosciutto crudo, capocollo, lombo and sopressata). The cherry on top is the famous Chianina meat, coming from one of the oldest cattle breeds in the world; the original Fiorentina steak is produced from its meat. Useless to say, all local wines (Rosso di Montepulciano, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva) pair perfectly with each one of these plates.

Reason #2 to visit Montepulciano: history and architecture

Montepulciano is a Medieval town nestled on the top of a hill overlooking the UNESCO heritage site of Val d'Orcia on one side, and Valdichiana on the other.

Taking a stroll in the streets is by itself a unique experience. Add the many viewpoints, the palaces of ancient noble families, the churches, the museums and the central Piazza Grande (which has been used as a set for movies and advertisements many times) and the perfect trip is here!

Reason #3 to visit Montepulciano: there's something for everyone

In Montepulciano, we have something for everyone. If you love sports, there are many cycling routes, where you can use a regular bicycle or an e-bike. Another great way to enjoy the beautiful scenery around is to rent a vespa or an old cinquecento, the quintessential Italian symbols! If you love sightseeing, you can choose amongst 10 UNESCO heritage sights within a 2h drive, including the nearby Pienza and Val d'Orcia. Florence is 1 hour drive, while in about 2 hours you can be in Rome and Pisa.

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